Aloha! I am a Seattle native but have been happy to call San Diego home since 1982. I spent five years in the Navy, graduated from San Diego State, and now retired from a phenomenal Proposal and Contract Analyst career. Paddling is now a very important part of my life: the sport, the culture, the people, and the camaraderie. I am proud to be one of the original Kanaka wahines, following in the club's footsteps of some amazing and wise gentlemen. I’ve completed the Queen Liliuokalani long-distance race twice and am now building my steering skills. As a steersman, I survived my first race, huli, in 2023 and have a very good understanding of staying present. As a Kanaka Board member, I do my best to lead by example and will work to build relationships with SCORA and other clubs. I assist our club members with technology challenges and work with our Kanaka tech team to solve our business and communication needs. If Kanaka members have ideas or questions about working smarter, not harder, I am always here to help. I have great respect for the water and am constantly learning of its power. I understand NO is a complete sentence, yet I have aptly earned the nickname “yeah-yeah.” Bill has been a Kanaka Outrigger Canoe Club member since January 2019. rugby at Western Reserve University in Cleveland. After graduation, he maintained his fitness level with running, surfing, and rollerblading
Although he had never been involved with outrigger canoeing before joining Kanaka, he has
always been active in athletics. He grew up in mining camps in the Adirondack Mountains of
New York State, Newfoundland, and Liberia, West Africa where kids organized their own sports,
playing basketball, baseball, tennis, and year-round hiking in wilderness areas. He played football, ice hockey, and rugby in high school in Canada. While majoring in geology at Case
Bill played varsity football, ice hockey, and club
As a Kanaka, Bill has been a regular paddler, attending practices twice weekly during
his six years with the club. He has participated in many of the Southern California Outrigger
Canoe Races has enjoyed the comradeship and competition shared with fellow club members over these years. When the club needed a coaching coordinator last year, he volunteered to help out. Since then, two other coaching coordinators have joined Bill (Mia
Murray and Tom Polakiewicz). 2024 was an exciting time for our club as we have been working
hard to create a uniform paddle technique among all our members. The 2025 racing season
promises to be an active time of race preparation as Kanaka plans to field more canoes i
more races than in the recent past.
Our philosophy at Kanaka is to be a club where Camaraderie, Conditioning, and
Competition is shared. Our coaching goal is to provide a club where all three of these “C”s
are respected. As coaches, we would like each member to be able to participate at their
preferred level, and we want to enable race crews to be ready to compete.
Mia Murray
Coach Coordinator
Bill Harpur
Coach Coordinator
Tom Polakiewicz
Coach Coordinator