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Those interested in exploring membership are allowed up to 5 (free) guest practices before membership is considered. There is no charge for the 5 practices.

 Guests are requested to attend Saturday practices where time and resources are more plentiful. Training or seating new paddlers and guests should not impact practices during the race season (approximately March-June).   New member recruitment events will be focused on the summer or fall timeframe. 

 To be a guest pursuing membership, people must:

  1. be 50 or older,
  2. be a strong swimmer
  3. be fit/able enough to reenter the canoe following a huli canoe flip over (with a ladder or strap is ok.)

 Club provides paddles and basic instruction, guests bring water, wear appropriate clothing and sun protection, water shoes. Use of PDFs is required for novice paddlers until competency can be established

 Guests will be matched with a sponsor on day one.  The sponsor can be any member, and he/she will assist guests in basic instruction and safety including loading canoes, navigating the slippery ramp, huli recovery, etc.  Sponsors ensure;

  1. Prior to first practice, paddlers are able to meet all criteria for membership, waivers must be signed (hard copy, available at site) and the basic contact and emergency contact info collected so that the sponsor can reach them regarding practice changes, etc.   (Remember that guest paddlers are not on Spond and may need to be contacted if practice availability changes.)
  2. Sponsors need to focus on the safety of their guest, and instruct them on the basics of paddling and moving canoes safely.
  3. Sponsor explains the membership process to the guests (Board votes, their dues must be paid in full)

 Training for new novice members.

  1. Those new to paddling will retain Novice status for one or two years (per new 2024 SCORA rule)
  2. New members with race experience will not be considered novices.
  3. Training for new member novices will be provided as determined by the conditioning crew leader and the coach coordinator.

 After paddling with the club, the guest can request membership.  The sponsor notifies the Board and provides relevant information about the guest to assist in the Board approval/disapproval vote. 

  1. After Board approval the sponsor informs the new member and collects necessary information to give to the Secretary
  2. Full payment of dues is required; if a guest joins in June or later the dues will be prorated. 
  3. Add the new member to SPOND (President or VP), announce new members to club
  4. SCORA number is obtained.

 After approval of a new member the Board will determine how many memberships are available for additional new members.